Regent Journal of International Law
Volume 4:1
Fall 2005
Richard M. Birch III
Thieves, Robbers, & Terrorists: Piracy in the 21st Century
Niclas Dahlvang
Canyons, Castles & Controversies: A Comparison of Preservation Laws in the United States & Ireland
Joseph C. Pettygrove
The Importance of Improving U.S. Immigration Law and the Changes Made Since 9-11
Topher Greene
Private Military Contractors & Justice: A Look at the Industry, Blackwater, & the Fallujah Incident
J.T. Mlinarcik
Volume 4:2
Spring 2006
Gregory E. Maggs
Presidential Power and International Law in a Time of Terror
Robert J. Delahunty
Defending Human Rights in the "War"
Douglass Cassel
Michele L. Lombardo, Annigje J. Buwalda, & Patricia Bast Lyman
Remarks on the Freedom of Information Act: The "National Security" Exemption in a Post 9/11 Era
Kathleen A. McKee